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The first giant panda cub in the Netherlands was born

Posted by Jeroen Jacobs | Date: 2020 05 02 | In: Ouwehands Dierenpark Rhenen

On May 1, 2020, Wu Wen gave birth to a cub at Ouwehands Dierenpark Rhenen! The mother and her cub are staying in the maternity den and are doing well.

Ouwehands Zoo is delighted and proud to contribute to the protection of this endangered species in a natural way.  Marcel Boekhoorn, the owner of Ouwehands Dierenpark Rhenen said: “I couldn’t be happier with the birth of this panda cub. This is the positive news that everyone was expecting. I would like to congratulate the panda keeper team. This cub was born and conceived naturally thanks to their patience and expertise.”

The birth of the cub is a wonderful conclusion to an uncertain period that started after the mating in January. For some time, Wu Wen had been staying in her maternity den more often and for a longer. In the past days, she barely left. The keepers were able to follow her through camera footage. On Friday morning, around ten o’clock, Wu Wen exhibited interesting behaviour. She became restless, made noises and licked profusely between her paws. The keepers hardly dared to say so, but everything indicated that the contractions had started. A first careful cry was heard at 12:30, when the cub was born. Mother and cub are doing well.

The cub’s gender will remain a surprise for the time being. The keepers are currently leaving mama Wu Wen and her cub alone. When the cub leaves the maternity den after a few months, we will be able to see what the gender is. When that happens, the little giant panda will be named.

Source: Ouwehands Dierenpark Rhenen

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