Taman Safari Indonesia

Bogor, Indonesia

About Taman Safari Indonesia

The story of Taman Safari Indonesia begins in the early 1980s when a group of passionate conservationists, led by Toto Suharto, envisioned a place where people could experience wildlife up close while promoting awareness about the importance of preserving natural habitats. With this dream in mind, they embarked on a journey to create a unique wildlife park that would become a beacon of conservation in Indonesia.

As Taman Safari Indonesia grew in popularity, it also faced numerous challenges, from habitat destruction to poaching. Yet, through perseverance and dedication, the park continued to thrive, adapting to the ever-changing landscape of conservation. It forged partnerships with local communities, government agencies, and international organizations, working together to safeguard Indonesia’s natural heritage for future generations.

Today, Taman Safari Indonesia stands as a testament to the power of human ingenuity and compassion. It is more than just a wildlife park; it is a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. Through its efforts, countless species have been saved from the brink of extinction, and countless hearts have been touched by the beauty of nature.

As visitors journey through the gates of Taman Safari Indonesia, they are not merely spectators but participants in a greater mission to protect and preserve our planet’s precious wildlife. And as long as there are those who dare to dream and strive for a better world, the legacy of Taman Safari Indonesia will endure for generations to come.

Giant pandas at Taman Safari Indonesia

The home of the two giant pandas in Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor is called Istana Panda (Panda Palace). It is approximately 1,800 meters above sea level, on the slope of the famous mount Pangrango. The climate is cool with lots of cold wind and the mist is often clouded the area. It is a very beautiful and peaceful place.

The Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong opened the panda exhibit on Sunday November 26, 2017.

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Official website: Taman Safari Indonesia