Zoo Madrid

Madrid, Spain

About Zoo Madrid

In 1770, King Charles III founded the Royal Menagerie in Retiro Park. It is the second oldest zoo in the world.

In 1972, the animals of Zoo Madrid were relocated to new modern facilities and natural habitats at the large park Casa de Campo, where you can find animals from the five continents, a large Aquarium, an Aviary and a Dolfinarium.

Zoo Aquarium de Madrid is owned by Parques Reunidos.

Official website: www.zoomadrid.com

Giant pandas at Zoo Madrid

On December 24, 1978 King Juan Carlos & Queen Doña Sofía received a goodwill gift from the chinese government, a couple of giant pandas: Shao Shao & Chang Chang.

Zoo Madrid became the first zoo in Europe to breed giant pandas with the birth of Chu Lin on September 4, 1982.

On September 7, 2007, a new couple of giant pandas, Bing Xing & Hua Zuiba, arrived in Spain.

The pandas would live in Madrid for 10 years as a part of an International Conservation Cooperation Project between China and Spain.The joint project was a goodwill gesture promised by the Chinese government during a visit by the Spanish Queen Sofia to China in June 2007.

On September 19, 2007 Queen Doña Sofía opened the remodified giant panda exhibit of Zoo Madrid.

The agreement was extended in 2018. Bing Xing & Hua Zuiba had 6 cubs in Spain. They moved back to Chengdu on February 29, 2024.

On April 29, 2024 a new panda pair, Jin Xi & Zhu Yu, moved to Zoo Madrid.

Queen Doña Sofía attended the debut of Madrid’s third panda pair on May 30, 2024.

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