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Pandas take over London - Panda Awareness Week

Posted by Jeroen Jacobs | Date: 2012 07 06 | In: Giant Panda News


108 costumed pandas took over London to celebrate the first ever international launch of Panda Awareness Week (PAW). From a tai-chi inspired dance in Trafalgar Square, to pandas riding the tube and visiting London’s most famous landmarks on an open top bus, London was overrun with pandas.
The panda is one of the world’s most threatened species and the launch of PAW highlights the work of Chengdu Panda Base in China, a not-for-profit organisation that plays a leading role in fostering continued growth of the giant panda population, as well as rescuing and rehabilitating pandas so they can return to the wild.
Click on the video to hear renowned conservationist Nigel Marven talk about the importance of saving the giant panda and see just what the pandas got up to on their takeover of London…

Follow them on twitter! http://twitter.com/chengdupaw

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