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Paul Panda

Posted by Jeroen Jacobs | Date: 2011 10 26 | In: Giant Panda News


Beleduc launched a new childrens board game, made by Beate Nikolai, PAUL PANDA!

Paul is hungry and, of course, wants to win the game but whichever player works hard at planting bamboo poles can feed Paul and win nonetheless! The loveable game helps the players connect to nature and makes them more aware of their environment and wonderful animals like the panda.

Paul the panda likes to sit in his little bamboo forest and guzzle down the tasty green leaves.
Unfortunately, his forest is in danger because the lumberjacks are not very far away and he can hear the large saws cutting down his bamboo all day long.
Therefore, lots of rain and sun is needed so that the bamboo can grow well and, of course, a bit of luck is needed too. Then Paul will still have enough bamboo leaves to gnaw on and he will no longer have to worry about the lumberjacks. Together, shouldn’t we be able to maintain the ecological balance between man and nature so that there’s enough bamboo for everyone?

Brief instructions:
The players carry out different actions which are determined by the spinner. They may plant bamboo and feed Paul but sometimes they also have to cut down bamboo.
The first player to plant all of their bamboo poles wins the game, unless Paul the panda has already eaten his supply of leaves beforehand.

Click here to visit the website of Paul Panda. The game is available in any language.

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