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AI @ Ocean Park HongKong

Posted by Jeroen Jacobs | Date: 2012 03 03 | In: Ocean Park Hong Kong


Le Le and Ying Ying from Ocean Park in HongKong were not successful at mating the natural way, so they got some human help in the form of artificial insemination.

“Over the next few months we will closely monitor Ying Ying’s vital signs and we expect to observe signs of pregnancy,” said Suzanne Gendron, head of zoological operations.

They’ll be watching out too for false pregnancies that are common among pandas, which show they’re in the family way only two weeks before giving birth.

So when Ying Ying started displaying signs including increased water play, bleating and restlessness, handlers took swift action by closing the panda exhibit to give them some privacy.

The reason why nothing happened – apart from some fumbling attempts – is down to the furry twosome’s youth and inexperience.

Both are six years old, and things should get better as they age.

Source A: Eastweek
Source B: The Standard

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